Though I'm never able to foretell what my future will be, yet I am free to enjoy what I am now. Though sometimes, somehow and somewhat entangled with some worldly trouble -- like finance, like unresolved relationship, like undefined worry, unfinished plan, loss of direction and aim in life .... Thanks for all being, I can from time to time grasp some fresh idea (insight and inspiration from God) to continue my walk in life which substantiate myself to thrive and to serve with my full strength and devotion. I started smelling the personal freedom and took a full and deep breathe....
Enjoying my "present" is the essence of personal freedom. The crucial point is how to treasure and view and perceive the "present" you have. You and me must have some -- never none because we are created according to the God's image. More or less we must inherit some excellent qualities -- believe or not?!
Enjoying my "present" is the essence of personal freedom. The crucial point is how to treasure and view and perceive the "present" you have.
Dear Preciouswoman,
You are an amazing student to "Personal Freedom Program". I share your view, feeling and wisdom.
I have learned of a great saying that:
"You live in bitterness, if you are living in the PAST."
"You live in worries, if you are living in the FUTURE."
SO................what is your choice?
So always treasure the "present". Enjoy NOW!
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