Thursday, September 30

Favorite Quotes

"The significant problem we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."

attributed to Albert Einstein by Mike Cohen

Tuesday, September 28

freedom beams in nature Posted by Hello

Wednesday, September 22

Wants > Needs > Values

After seeing off my son at 6:20am, I sat on the sofa to have a little rest before my daughter wakes up at 7:0oam. My husband was watching TV in the living room. As usual, he is a super soccer fan and each kick caught his full attention. There was no "Good morning" so I assumed that he did not recognize me was in the living room, to ease my loneliness.

Soon, I felt he was so far away from me. I WANTED his attention. To be honest, I wanted his loving hug in the early morning to cheer up my day. After 5 minutes, there was no sign of change. My self-pity evil came into my mind and stirred up my suspection of not being loved. The ego me started shouting fiercely to echo my anger and unsatisfaction.

A little breeze came into the living room from the window and whispered, "Do you NEED love from your husband?" I replied, "Of course, I need his love and I know he loves me. He is taking good care of the family." "Then, why are you grumbling now?" said the breeze. "Well, you are right. He is a good man. Though he might not able to fulfill my strong desire of being loved, he is doing a fairly good job." my voice calmed down.

I remained sitting on the sofa and waiting for the magical moment to happen. Soccer game score was tied to 2 : 2 between Liverpool and Manchester. The game did not attract my attention at all, instead I was drawn to a thinking mood. I thought of my recent schedule was quite full as my volunteer work increased. Yet, I enjoy my life and connection with people because caring people is one of my important life VALUES.

"VALUE" - What a beautiful word struck in to my mind! I was awaken immediately from my ego child. At this moment, my emotion was totally shifted and I wanted to caring my husband. I felt he needs a shoulder massage to release his soar pain accumulated by work. I came forward to him and gently massaging his stiff shoulders. He responded well and seemed enjoying very much. My heart was in peace and a loving voice by my side encouraging me to give and give. I felt relax and happy because I have overcome the ego of WANT. There was no more self-pity, anger and unsatisfaction. The scene created there was [A gentle wife was complimented by her husband with a soft "THANK YOU!" ]

I am happy to have experienced the WANTS > NEEDS > VALUES evolutionary progression. Thank you Personal Freedom!

10 Pillars of Personal Freedom

  1. Extend your boundaries in order to maximize your capacity.
  2. Share your requirements so others and your environment will be able to respond appropriately.
  3. Raise your standards to bring our your best.
  4. Finish what is unfinished so that the past is completed and nothing is hanging on.
  5. Get your personal needs met so that you are free to be fully with other people and ideas.
  6. Orient around your values to create a sustainable base for goal-setting.
  7. Build reserves in all areas in order to expand your capacities an dminimize limits.
  8. Minimize tolerations in order to absence drains.
  9. Handle your money completely. Period.
  10. Define success on your tems so that your benchmarks and accomplishments make sense to you and are wasy to recognize.

What is Personal Freedom?

Personal Freedom is a program developed by Thomas J. Leonard, Founder, Coachville. Coach Bonnie is a member of School of Coachville (SOC) and licensed to use the program.