Wednesday, September 22

Wants > Needs > Values

After seeing off my son at 6:20am, I sat on the sofa to have a little rest before my daughter wakes up at 7:0oam. My husband was watching TV in the living room. As usual, he is a super soccer fan and each kick caught his full attention. There was no "Good morning" so I assumed that he did not recognize me was in the living room, to ease my loneliness.

Soon, I felt he was so far away from me. I WANTED his attention. To be honest, I wanted his loving hug in the early morning to cheer up my day. After 5 minutes, there was no sign of change. My self-pity evil came into my mind and stirred up my suspection of not being loved. The ego me started shouting fiercely to echo my anger and unsatisfaction.

A little breeze came into the living room from the window and whispered, "Do you NEED love from your husband?" I replied, "Of course, I need his love and I know he loves me. He is taking good care of the family." "Then, why are you grumbling now?" said the breeze. "Well, you are right. He is a good man. Though he might not able to fulfill my strong desire of being loved, he is doing a fairly good job." my voice calmed down.

I remained sitting on the sofa and waiting for the magical moment to happen. Soccer game score was tied to 2 : 2 between Liverpool and Manchester. The game did not attract my attention at all, instead I was drawn to a thinking mood. I thought of my recent schedule was quite full as my volunteer work increased. Yet, I enjoy my life and connection with people because caring people is one of my important life VALUES.

"VALUE" - What a beautiful word struck in to my mind! I was awaken immediately from my ego child. At this moment, my emotion was totally shifted and I wanted to caring my husband. I felt he needs a shoulder massage to release his soar pain accumulated by work. I came forward to him and gently massaging his stiff shoulders. He responded well and seemed enjoying very much. My heart was in peace and a loving voice by my side encouraging me to give and give. I felt relax and happy because I have overcome the ego of WANT. There was no more self-pity, anger and unsatisfaction. The scene created there was [A gentle wife was complimented by her husband with a soft "THANK YOU!" ]

I am happy to have experienced the WANTS > NEEDS > VALUES evolutionary progression. Thank you Personal Freedom!

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