Wednesday, February 2

Course Introduction

Throughout this program you will notice references to Coaches and working with a coach. That's because this program was developed by and for coaches to usewith their clients. If you do not have a coach and would like to work with one, ask the person who have you this program for a referral to a coach, or visit the free CoachVille Referral Service at

What is a Personal Freedom?
Virtually every person who engages a Coach wants more, sometimes much more, and knows that they must make certain changes in their personal and professional lives in order to get more of what they really want. These changestake time, coaching and effort. The Coach focuses on the process of strengthening the client's Personal Freedom as a way to accelerate and attractmore easily the client's goals. The Personal Freedom process involves deliberately investing in one's Self, usually far more than the client has donebefore or thinks they need, deserve or should. The Coach asks the client tobecome very, very Selfish (not egotistical, ego-centered, consuming or needy;rather to put the client first).

How? By engaging in conversations and putting into place the following pillars of a person's strong Personal Freedom: extending your boundaries and raising yourstandards, learning how to share your requirements with others, finishing what isunfinished, getting your personal needs met, orienting around your values,building extensive reserves in all areas, minimizing your tolerations, handling your money - completely, and learning to define success on your own terms.

This is not a small order - but then again, neither is your life!In order to create the life and experiences you desire, it is essential to have astrong Personal Freedom. Without this Freedom, you will always be struggling against something. With it, you are at liberty to pursue what you want!

The Coach learns what these elements of the Personal Freedom are and how toweave these in with the goals, concerns and reasons that the client came to thecoach in the first place. (Remember, the client rarely comes to the strongly requesting Personal Freedom, nor will the client put their goals on holdin order to exclusively work on this. So, the Coach must master the process of weaving in these Personal Freedom conversations and activities along with theclient's primary goals.)

Accomplish More, More Easily
You will accomplish more, more easily if you take the time to develop your Personal Freedom first.

WHO doesn't want to accomplish more in life? Don't most of us want more time?More money? More love? More satisfaction? Yet, isn't our tendency to go for it rather than simply having it all come to us? The Personal Freedom Program includes 10 distinct pillars or frameworks which, when linked together, provide asolid yet personalized base and structure on which to build one's life. And, in aworld which sometimes appears to be built on quicksand or constantly changing circumstances, we all need a Personal Freedom on which to depend.


1. Extend your boundaries in order to maximize your capacity.

2. Share your requirements so others and your environment will be able torespond appropriately.

3. Raise your standards to bring out your best.

4. Finish what is unfinished so that the past is completed and nothing ishanging on.

5. Get your personal needs met so that you are free to be fully with otherpeople and ideas.

6. Orient around your values to create a sustainable base for goal-setting.

7. Build reserves in all areas in order to expand your capacities and minimize limits.

8. Minimize tolerations in order to absence drains.

9. Handle your money completely. Period.

10. Define success on your terms so that your benchmarks and accomplishments make sense to you and are easy to recognize.

Anyone who is living a meaningful life must have a strong sense, and experience, of Personal Freedom so they can afford to look up at the starsinstead of down at their feet. Having Personal Freedom allows a person to usetheir skills and resources more fully with less friction and tension. Instead ofconstantly worrying about the fundamentals of their life, they are free to focus onthe task at hand, engaging their hearts and minds completely. The process ofbuilding Personal Freedom also teaches a person how to eliminate and preventmany common problems that are usually thought of as an expected part of life."

Where can you go for help in this area? A Master Coach is uniquely trained tohelp clients strengthen their own foundation, and is a model of how well theprocess works.

A skyscraper doesn't start at street level. In fact, the taller the building, thedeeper the foundation. This holds true for people, too.

You are starting a deliberate process to strengthen every part of your personaland professional life. You should be excited and ready to do this! (If not, find outwhy not and fix that.) Thousands of people just like you have used this program and have helped us to make it user-friendly, effective and, even, fun. Just think,you get to be very, very selfish for the next 6 or 12 months and focus on you forawhile, while building yourself and your life from the inside out so that it becomes sustainable, easier, and more rewarding. The Personal Freedom Program is acomprehensive, coordinated approach to significantly enhancing the quality ofyour life. You will not be the same after completing this program.

This program is organized into 10 distinct modules. Each module:
* Focuses you on an area of your Personal Freedom.
* Educates you on this area.
* Helps you to identify the actions, changes and shifts to make.
* Points you to the next lesson

Each Module has several parts: definition, general truths, key points, how to do it,and mistakes to avoid.
As you complete the modules, reward yourself for your progress, and askyourself what else it relates to in your life. Making these connections between what you learn or know and how it relates to your life is an essential part of building your Personal Freedom.

You do not need to do each module completely before working on another, nor must you work the modules in order. You should start working wherever it best to you, although you will need to complete all 10 modules in order tograduate from the Program and enjoy the benefits.

Support Structure.
This Program is not easy. In fact, it is challenging, so much so, that you are wiseto arrange for a support structure to help you complete the program more quickly and have a much more enjoyable time as you work the program. Effectivesupport structures include: A. Use Your Coach. Your professional coach has been here and can help you through this. B. Invite others to do this Program withyou. There is encouragement in a group. C. Teach this program to others. This ensures that you'll get it, too!

What to Expect.
During the coming months, here are some of things that you can expect tohappen. All of these things might not happen to you, but many will. They are that predictable.
* Your priorities will change. What you thought was important will be less or evenmore so.
* Your friends/community will upgrade. You may even lose several friends/colleagues.
* You will take better care of yourself, even if you are taking good care of yourselfnow.
* You will have more energy, though at first you might be dragging.
* You will be discouraged. Remember, you are making fundamental changes.
* You will expect more of others, like and yourself. You may even get demanding.
* Your life will get simpler, easier and less stressful. You might even call it boring....

Well, there you have it -- some of things to expect during and after this program.The best way to enjoy these changes is to get that you are putting yourself first in this program and that this will both ripple and ricochet. Have patience with others and have compassion for yourself. And keep going, even when you're not surewhy or how. You will.

Important Tips For Developing Powerful Personal Freedom
1. Developing Personal Freedom is an investment in your infrastructure.
* To grow big, you must be anchored on bedrock, not quicksand. You have to godeeper "inside." * Infrastructure, like building a house or a road, takes time and there are many layers.
* It takes 1-3 years and is a once-in-a lifetime investment (like a degree) that pays off forever.
* Realize that you are remodeling, using new materials and the architect's planmay be fuzzy.

2. There will be major changes in your life during this process.
* You'll start telling the Truth more and putting yourself first; this takes lots of practice.
* You will re-prioritize how you spend your time and energy: Warn people around you.
* You will hit soft and hard spots (resistance) as you strengthen the structure; do not stop.
* Change is an exciting time - and yes, sometimes it is confusing, too.

3. It's OK to complain, as long as you keep working.
* Vent the frustrations or emotional reactions you have along the way. Your coach understands. * Keep learning those annoying lessons fully, especially if they keep coming at you!
* Get that you are doing your very best, even if you have to catch your breath along the way.
* Remember that each pillar helps support the others, bearing the weight of the whole.

4. Go all the way with your building, not just "far enough".
* If you're making changes, don't feel like you have to do them incrementally. You can't leave a pillar undone, but you can leap forward in your understanding.
* Do complete work: Make sure whatever you're building will not crumble in lessthan 5 years.
* Do it totally "your way" even if that means making mistakes or that others don't understand. Don't be limited to following someone else's plan.

5. Work the Personal Freedom 10-Pillar Program.
* You don't need to reinvent the wheel. This program works. Adapt it to yourneeds, but don't change it fundamentally.
* Get at least 1-3 points each week in the 100-point program. Set aside PF time each week.
* Use the companion programs for help: Clean Sweep, Personal Evolution,NeedLess, Perfect Life)

6. Stop tolerating anything.
* You'll know you're strengthening your PF, when you stop putting up with things you used to.
* Design your peer environment to support and compel you. Don't hang out with people who drain, upset or diminish you. (They can't get away with it)
* Don't put up with your own silly behavior. You'll find yourself GROWING! Make changes!

7. Graduate and move on to the next array of programs.
* There are many other programs you can use to expand what you learn in Personal Freedom. Some examples are Absence Of, Perfect Life, SimplicityProgram, Attraction Program, Personal Evolution, Toleration Free, ReserveProgram, etc. Please visit for moreinformation.
* Celebrate your arrival. Congratulations.

@2000-2003 Coacville. All rights reserved. This material was originally developed by Thomas J. Leonard. Licensed use only.

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