Wednesday, February 2

What is TeleClass?

Here's How TeleClasses work:
Once you register the class, you will receive an informative email with the telephone number to call, the date and time of your class. Class notes will be distributed via email before each class session. You call the bridge number on the day of the class and join the conference call.

TeleClass Protocol/Instructions for Students

Phone Number will be informed after registration.

World Time Clock -- wondering how your local time corresponds to the time of the teleclass? Click here.

A TeleClass is a conference call, like a chat line. You and between 10-30 other registrants call a regular phone number in the United States at your class time and you are welcomed by the TeleClass Leader. No operator assistance is needed, nor is a conference call manager. All we do is let you know what the telephone number is for your particular TeleClass and when you dial that number, you're automatically and immediately 'on' the call. The instructor hears a beep in their ear when you join the call, and will usually say something like, "Hi, who just joined the call?" or "Welcome, hold on a moment while everyone joins the call."

The TeleClass begins promptly at 2 minutes after the listed start time. A TeleClass is similar to a grad school discussion -- some lecture, some questions, some discussion. If this if your first time taking a TeleClass, you may wonder if and how it works. It just does. It's highly interactive and the 'flow' works well. You can listen and absorb and/or engage in the discussion. You can always ask questions of the TeleClass Leader.

Most TeleClass sessions last an hour. Some meet one time only, others meet weekly for 4-8 weeks, sometimes longer. You do not need a computer in order to be in the class. All you need is a regular phone!Note: The cost to call one of our bridges is a standard long distance charge. There are no conferencing fees, so you would just pay your long distance carrier whatever your rates are. Most carriers charge HK$13-25 from Hong Kong to the bridge-line in USA an hour for long distance, so the cost is minimal.

There are several protocols to be on a TeleClass. These include:

1. Mute Button.Use your telephone's mute button, if there is one. Background noise, the dog barking, radio, TV etc., could be a problem if 30 callers all aren't using their mute buttons. If you don't have a mute button, not to worry. Just try to call from a quiet location.

2. Breathing.Some people breathe 'heavier' than others. And most of the heavy breathers don't realize it. (Who, ME?) So, we ask everyone to hold the mouthpiece or telephone headset microphone a bit away from their mouth and nose, unless they are speaking. This sounds pretty silly, but when you're on a call with a heavy breather, you'll understand why it matters!

3. 2-line phones.If you have a two-line phone, please turn the ringer off of the second line. If you don't, and you get a call during the TeleClass, it can really be a shrill noise that everyone hears.

4. Dogs (and cats).If you're on a smaller TeleClass (like 10 callers), your dog will probably woof at exactly the time needed for some comic relief, so it's not usually a problem. But if you're on a larger TeleClasses (30 callers), please put Fido in another room

5. Speakerphones.Please don't use them, period, unless you use the mute button. Speakerphones are wonderful things, but we ask that you not speak into them when sharing. The clarity/quality simply isn't good enough. Pick up the handset when you share and put the mute button on when you're just listening.

6. Sharing.The Instructor will usually ask for callers to share or respond, throughout the call. However, please wait to be prompted -- don't just speak up, unless invited. If/when you do share, say something like, "Thomas (or the instructor's name), this is Bob from Tampa." The Instructor will say, "Yes, Bob, go ahead." Then you can say whatever you'd like to. Always use the Instructors name and wait until they respond, indicating that you can proceed. Note, however, that on smaller calls this formality isn't usually needed and there is a natural flow to people sharing and discussing.

7. Commenting.If you want to comment on something that another caller has said, please keep your comments extremely positive. Don't say things like: "I disagree with Bob." or "I take exception to that...." or "That's incorrect." Even if all of these are true! Just say what you want to say and if you want to relate it to another caller's comment, make it positive!

8. CrossTalk.If another caller says something that you want to comment on or ask more information about, go through the Instructor, don't speak to the person directly, at least at first. Let the Instructor play traffic cop. You could say something like, "Thomas, can I ask that Marlene rephrase the point she just made?" Again, on smaller calls, this isn't as necessary, but on the large calls, it really is.

9. Early/Late Please don't call the bridge before the scheduled time -- another class may be being conducted. If you're late to the call, no problem, just dial in and be silent until you catch on to what's being discussed. The Instructor may or may not officially welcome you -- but probably won't so as not to disturb the flow of the call. That doesn't mean you're not welcome! And, finally, if you're more than 10 minutes late, be really careful about asking questions, as they may well have been asked earlier.

10. Audiotaping.You may not audiotape the TeleClasses. First, it's illegal unless everyone has given permission. Secondly, there is intellectual property involved. If the Instructor is taping a call, s/he will let everyone know at the beginning of the call.

11. Mobile Phones. Don’t call into the TeleClass using a mobile phone. They cause all kinds of problems, mainly involving excessive noise. Only call from a land line.

12. Turn Off “Call Waiting”. If you have call waiting, we ask that you first disable it before dialing in.

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